Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Greek Olympic Plates by 3rd Graders

Third Graders learned about Ancient Greek Pottery and the Olympics!

I wanted my third graders to work on drawing full bodies.  I feel like so often I have students still trying to get away with drawing stick figures!  NOT acceptable...unless the project calls for it! 

1.  First 3rd graders used a circle tracer to make a circle on an orange piece of paper
2.  They drew themselves with pencil playing any sport of their choice.
3.  Using a thin and ultra fine sharpie they traced their bodies and filled in some areas black.
4.  Students cut out circle and glued down in the middle of a cardboard circle.  (These were left from the previous teacher, but I know she ordered them through a catalog...just not sure which one).
5. Using peach, tan, light brown, brown and black, students created radial designs.  I stressed to them to use lightest to darkest colors.

Here are our red figured Olympic plates!